Saturday, December 4, 2010

60 Days of Beauty- A late start


I'm getting a bit of a late start, I suppose, but I might as well start now. My youth pastor, Derry Prenkert (here), started something called 60 Days of Beauty on December 1st. I meant to join the bandwagon yesterday, but it turns out that I cannot blog from my iPod touch. ( :( )

Now, the only problem I have is figuring out what I want to talk about. The past few days have been so full of beauty for me. Last night God and I had a nice long chat. That was beauty in and of itself. I could talk about life in general, I could talk about today's run, I could talk about the simplicity I love to keep in my life... I guess I could do four things since today is really day four. Here we go...

1. Yarn.

I know. I'm crazy. But it's a knitter/crocheter/crafter thing. But seeing a piece of string turn into fabric is awesome for me. I love it. I love seeing the stitches formed and changed and moved. People usually think I'm weird, but I have the ability to make beautiful things. Ha.  Plus, yarn is soft, colorful, squishy and I get chills just thinking about it!

2. Snow.

I live in Indiana. We have snow. I pretend to like it. Except in December. In December, snow is my favorite thing. Have you ever noticed how it lazily makes its way from sky to ground? Rain has a plan in mind, snow doesn't. Snow interrupts your everyday life and makes things difficult, but it is pretty. I woke up to snow this morning and I was rather sad as it melted during my run.
The majority of Hoosiers I talk to on a daily basis hate snow... but I'm not sure why. We were given something so beautiful. I'm so grateful for my ability to see and feel it, even though the wind is biting and my fingers are constantly cold.

3 and 4 are pretty similar. So I will do them together.

3. Letting down walls.
4. The past.

Do you disagree with the fourth? Let me show you what I mean...

Some people who know me know about the struggles God has placed me in. Some have no idea, some barely grasp it. Like any other person, I had struggles with confidence and understanding. I was on a downward spiral and I felt like I was drowning. I grew angry at God. How could He? Where was He? I became a shell of who I was supposed to be. I didn't know who I was, I didn't know who the people around me were... but I slowly started to understand. The walls around me fell when I allowed God into my life. It hurt. It hurt for Him to destroy the walls inside me that kept me captive, but now I am not the same person. I am who God wants me to be.
It took me a long time to realize the beauty in my past. It has taken me a long time to realize a lot of things. But I wouldn't change that. The beauty in my past is the way I now react to God's grace and love. It is the way I now react to other people. I can now help others heal.

I apologize for the length, but it was four days' worth!

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