Thursday, December 9, 2010

60 Days of Beauty - Day 8, Freedom

This was supposed to be yesterday's, but I didn't have time because I had to write a whole bunch of things for two friends who are leaving for the Dominican Republic tomorrow.  ((Blogging on that tomorrow... One of them reads this and most of it is supposed to be a surprise!!))  So here is yesterday's...

8.  Freedom.

I"m not talking about America freedom, I'm talking about personal freedom.  That freedom where it is no longer scary to get out of bed in the morning or step outside the house.  The freedom where it's okay to sit in a room with tons of people, but still be alone.  That freedom where it doesn't matter what other people say.  Where it's okay to be yourself.  The freedom that I try to live in every day of my life.  The freedom that Jesus gives us when we give up and let Him hold us.

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