Friday, December 10, 2010

60 Days of Beauty - What I have learned so far

I've been struck by a few things as I have been on this journey:

1.  People need to be told how beautiful they are every day.  Too many people go through the day avoiding mirrors and attempting to cover up all the things they think are ugly about themselves.

2.  Sometimes it is hard to find beauty.  It is a daily process to identify even one thing to blog about.  This is sad.  I'm working on making this different

3.  Way too often I am tempted to close my eyes to the things around me and just attempt to get through the day without any mishaps.  This is wrong.  I need to open my eyes and watch for opportunities to see beautiful things and to be in the lives of others.

4.  Beauty is found in flaws.


blckspdr said...

i wish there was a like button like of facebook. good post!

Rhonda Schrock said...
