Tuesday, December 7, 2010

60 Days of Beauty - Day 7, Christmas lights

7.  Christmas lights
I know Derry already did this one (we even used the same image!), but with 60 days and 14+ people joining in, there are bound to be overlaps.  But I have different reasons behind my love for them.

I suppose it could be my attraction to shiny things, or my love of things that catch my attention in general, but I love tiny lights.  If I had my way, we would keep a tree up all year long (the little one with colored lights that sits in the dining room.).  I just love them.  Every time I drive down the road and there are Christmas lights on a house, my breath stops.  I find them amazing.  They make me smile.  :D

1 comment:

Rhonda Schrock said...

And they remind me of the Light. You're right...they are beautiful.