Thursday, July 21, 2011

Facebook friending.

I find Facebook friending dumb. 
Really dumb. 
I went to camp last week. 
I met lots of new people. The ones I actually met and created a friendship with, I added. Because I wanted to stay connected with them. 
But I continue getting requests from people who I do not recognize and would not be able to pick out of the crowd... I'm sorry... I mean, if you really want to be my friend on Facebook, message me and tell me why... Because if I don't know you I won't accept the request. I don't mean to hurt anyone by saying that... It's just true. I don't add everyone. My friends on Facebook are my friends. I don't add the people who were mean to me in third grade. I don't add everyone in my entire grade. 
Sorry, I like a little privacy. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Logging out of Facebook...

Last night I logged out of Facebook on my iPod and moved the app to a different, empty page. Why? Because I'm giving up Facebook for a while. Why would I do that?
Well, I spend a lot of time on Facebook. And I've been out of school a month and haven't even read a book. 
So I decided I would log out of Facebook at least until camp. So that I could get back to writing, crafting, and blogging. 
So what did I do on my first day without Facebook?
1. I laid in the sun and read Harry Potter (finished book 1!). 
2. I made about 10 more flower hair clips that I am selling for $3 a piece. (email me for a picture)
3. I played frisbee with my brother. 
I still plan on doing a bit of TAWG outside while watching the sunset, some journaling, and writing a few letters to my small group girls. 
One day without Facebook and I feel like I have done so much!