Friday, December 10, 2010

60 Days of Beauty - Day 10, Encouragement

10.  Encouragement

For the past week I have been staying up every night to create a surprise for two of my friends who left today for the Dominican.  The surprise was an card of encouragement for each day they were gone.  As I wrote, I tried to listen to God's guidance in what I said.  I wanted the cards to be a reminder of the prayer that was behind them, and of the people excited to hear the things they did when they came home. 

Since today's topic is encouragement, I tried my best today to give people around me encouragement.  I told a Chinese foreign exchange student that I thought she was beautiful, but she gave me an odd look and shook her head.  I smiled at a lot of people, and I had a conversation with my old art teacher whom I love.  I told another girl she had pretty eyes and I laughed at my dad's jokes.  ( :) )

Encouragement is beautiful because it gives hope.  Encouragement is beautiful because it helps me survive the bad days.  Encouragement is beautiful because it creates relationships. 

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