Monday, December 13, 2010

60 Days of Beauty - Day 11, relationships

11.  Relationships

The above picture is of me and my bestie, Becky, from finals week last week.  Yes, that is a paper mache duck.  It took me a long time to figure out friends.  God finally taught me that friendship is a two-way street, and I have to put as much time, effort, and godly love into the relationship as I expect to get back.  It involves me investing things in the relationship.
I heard someone ask why teens put so much time, money, and effort into a romantic relationship that was not guaranteed to last much longer than the next week or month, yet did not do the same things in their friendships.  Since then, I have been determined to change my relationships.  I've tried to change them from being "me me me" to "her her her".  I'm not being obsessed with my friends or anything, but I'm not expecting them to do everything in our relationship.  As someone who was once in a very dependent and controlling relationship, it feels a lot better to be dependent on each other in a healthy way (bearing each others burdens) but not to the point where the other person cannot live without the other.

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