Sunday, November 30, 2008

Things that bother me...

So while shopping at 1 am on Friday morning, I came up with a list (quite a long list) of things that bother me. Once again, these things are in no particular order...

-Chipped nail polish. ((That is why I don't often wear nail polish))

-When guys wear baggy pants and I can see what their boxers look like when I don't really want to know what they look like.

-Old video game music.

-When my computer is retarded.

-When the fingerless gloves I knitted roll up at the ends.

-Christmas music in November (and in January).

-When people act dorky and I'm left out of the dorkiness.

This will be continued....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am thankful for...

This year I am compiling a list of what I am thankful for... I was orginally going to just do it in my journal, but then I thought "heck, why not share my list?"

(These are in no particular order)

-The recoveries of Corey Ellis and Owen (I believe his last name is Lambright... not sure, though). Both nearly drowned, Corey after having a seizure in a hot tub, and Owen after falling into a tub of water in a neighbor's backyard. Both have made complete recoveries, both with no brain damage.

-My own recovery (those of you who know what I mean, 200+ days :D )

-A church summer camp that got my attention.

-A God that messes up my life.

-My cousin Shealey who loves to just sit with me on the couch.

-My cousin Tori who is just a stinker.

-My cousin Travis who is as obnoxious as all get out.

-Two older cousins that know how to do anything on a computer.

-My father who has confronted me on more than one occasion, and who shows me love in his own ways.

-The promise of being a world-changer, even to just one person.

-A best friend who is dorky, but talks enough for the both of us. (And I'm also her "cousin". tehe. :) long story)

-Another best friend who doesn't care when we both act stupid or crush on boys. (We have to deal with each other about that.)

-A chance to go to a private school where carrying a Bible does not bring ridicule.

-My memories of the babies.

-A mother who wants to go shopping at midnight, and who doesn't like coffee, but gets hot chocolate at Starbucks.

-A twin brother who drives me insane, but is fun to play Wii with.

-Rhonda's blog. (It just cheers me up. :D )

-The sunrise this morning. (We never know if we will have another day.)

-The hope of tomorrow's sunrise. (Which will hopefully be seen coming over a building at the Lighthouse Mall. :D )

-My vast taste in music.

-A Savior who came to this earth to take on the form of a man and died on the cross (and would have died even if I was the only person). And who rose from the dead three days later to give me and whoever else believes eternal life.

So... yeah... this is my list... :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some Random Pictures to Talk About....

One day at the baby center it rained (quite hard) and when it was over someone said there was a rainbow. We all ran out to see two complete rainbows. This isn't the best picture, and it doesn't nearly do the rainbow justice, but here it is.
Mar, this one is for you. *bother*! ((hehe))

A gorgeous African sunset

Derry!!! Look! There's an elephant in the room!! Should we talk about it?

Pretty flower picture, from the Tea Hotel.

This is Abby Rose. Isn't she cute? She is one of my best friends.

Electricity in Kenya isn't very reliable, so there were a few nights we had to light candles. (and one night that we just felt like it) This picture was taken of a candle shot down the neck of a glass coke bottle. I thought it was cool.

A gorgeous sunset from the window of the guesthouse. We had many amazing sunsets.

This is my Rony. He came to the baby center sick and underdeveloped. He is now average size and learning to walk. Isn't he gorgeous? He was one of the quieter babies and I did not see him smile until the day before we left. And when I heard him laugh I wanted to cry, so much joy filled me for him.

Another pretty flower.

And another....

And and upside-down palm tree....

Davie is one cool dude. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kenya, post # 1

Here it is, Rhonda, my first Kenya post!!!

Oct. 17-18

When we left on the 17th I did not really know what o expect. I had never flown for more than a couple hours at a time. I had never gone through international security. I barely knew the people I was traveling with. But I had prayed a lot about the whole travel part of the trip, so I knew it was in God's hands.

After checking our luggage and going through security we walked to our gate. My mom and I were rather hungry by this time and decided to go to McDonald's. We said goodbye to our much loved Diet Coke and I got my last Starbucks for two weeks. (Rhonda, could you do that? No white chocolate mochas, for two weeks? :) ) We climbed onto the plane not long after and got ourselves settled for an 8-hour flight.
Somehow I always seemed to end up next to Abby,which wasn't bad, because I enjoyed her company. We had lots of fun chatting about the most random things. And I watched her knit for quite a long time, and she watched me play tetris.
The coolest thing about the flight? The TVs in the back of the seats in front of us. There were video games and such that you could play. The movie choices were not great, but they were okay.
When we got to London we had to go through another huge thing of security. Poor Abby got her peanut butter taken away. :( We watched the sunrise over the runway and walked around for most of the layover. When they opened out gate we gathered everybody up and made our way there.
Jodi and I decided to get some water. We did not have any pounds, so we used my American dollars and got pence for change. We got onto the plane and settled in for another endless flight. the movie choices were a little better this time, and there were still a ton of episodes of "The Office".
We got in Nairobi really late and still had to stand in line to get our visas and then collect our luggage. y the time I got my visa the others had collected all the luggage. Then we waited for Jodi, my mom, and Jolinda. We met one of our drivers right outside the airport. We had three vans and managed to fit all of our luggage in there, with fur people in each van I got my first taste of Kenyan roads and the many speed bumps therein When we came up to our hotel and got through the gate, I was incredibly ready to fall into bed. Mom and I checked in, got our luggage to our rooms, got water from the guy who showed us our room, took some pictures, changed our clothes, and fell into bed.

I think that's good enough for now. :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"The Greatest Thing Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return"

I know... no post about Kenya? But I've been extremely busy with make-up work and such. And my nightly 5 hour play practices. Those are pretty exhausting.

Last night was pretty fun. It was the drama girls' annual sleepover. We decorated our t-shirts (even though the whole cast is getting the same shirts) and it was a ton of fun. We had a whole bunch of movies to watch (including my two faves, "Pride & Prejudice" and "The Phantom of the Opera"), but we only watched our traditional movie. "Moulin Rouge!" is really good. (beware, kleenex must be on hand!) (Rated PG-13, btw) It's hilarious how there are so many modern songs in it, when it is supposed to be set in 1900 Paris. And the soundtrack has got to be one of the best I've ever heard. And I already know most of it after only hearing the songs a few times. (beware, kleenex must be on hand!) Then we stayed up until 3 am talking about the most random things and eating oreos. (atleast I was eating the oreos... wait, CARA WAS TOO!!!!)

Then a whole bunch of us had to go to GoodWill today because we didn't have all of our costumes. So Aly, Cara, me, and a bunch of the guys (Plus Mr. Elrod, the director, and Mrs. Schutz, who is in charge of costumes, and David Crabbe) all show up at GoodWill and it was packed. Yeah, we had fun. Except I had to try on this muy terible dress that looked like a tent (icky green and all!) and I wanted to throw up on it (but I refrained).

And then I had to come home and do homework. Fun, huh?

i'm out,
