I am thirteen pages from having no room left. It is rather bittersweet... but fitting at the same time... See, I am in uncharted territory.
This summer was not a great summer for me. It was a time full of doubts, questions, and misunderstandings. I was angry at God many times. At one point on a missions-oriented trip I sat at the foot of a cross and basically told God that I didn't like Him anymore and I didn't believe He could do anything for me. The scariest part? I don't remember much of that happening. Yes, I remember a rough summer where I wrestled with the idea of freedom and what that means. I also remember laying in bed feeling incredibly inadequate, worthless, and inferior. I just hadn't remembered going through so many questions.
But... I don't want to take that summer back. Because of those questions and doubts, I now know more about God than I ever knew.
I am in uncharted territory because I have never given over my entire self to God. I have been on a journey these last eight months to finally give up my past. I read over and over in my own handwriting how the past seemed safer and easier, but I know that the past is full of pain that I do not want to experience again. Today I handed it to God. Sharing my testimony next Saturday (it was moved... :( frustrated) will also be a step in forever closing that door.
But not closing it so that I forget about it. I will never forget the things God has freed me from. It isn't an option. Those things have shaped me. Because I am alive in Christ, though, those things no longer hold onto me.
I am in uncharted territory. Please pray with me as I seek God's will and live in freedom. Pray with me as I surrender with every sunrise. Please pray as I close this journal and open my new one.
Which, fittingly, has a verse on the front:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
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