Saturday, March 12, 2011


"It's not about what you did then. It's about who you are now." -me

At 6:30 pm tomorrow night I will be sharing my testimony with my small group. I keep hoping it will be moved to next week. There is a knot in my stomach that churns and aches when think about sharing. I shouldn't be so scared, but I am. Just like in the rest of my life, I fear rejection and failure. I fear my small group might not understand and will not work to understand. I fear I might even be able to share because I will cry. I have gone over the events I'm sharing over and over in my mind, but I know as soon as I start talking, I will start crying. I cried just holding my pen to my paper. I can't imagine how much I will cry as I actually speak. 
I also fear people thinking that my past is my present and my future. It's not, but I don't know how many girls will realize that. 

I know Jesus is my strength, but in situations like this it is so hard to just hand it all over. 

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