Saturday, March 21, 2009


For those of you who go to NMC, you may know Pastor Chris Knight. Chris and his wife have two kids, Brenin and Corbin. Both of them are quizzers this year. Today was quiz finals, and Corbin's team was in the finals, in the quiz for 1st and 2nd in B flight. After question 19 was answered the other coach called a time out and told her quizzers not to jump, because she did not want to mess up their chances of winning. But Eric (the boys' coach) forgot about the -20 for a wrong answer on the last question and the +20 bonus... so he told the boys to go ahead and jump. The question was read, Corbin jumped, and then stood there. After the 30 seconds for him to answer were over, he sat down. The other team got the bonus correct, and won the match. The kids were disappointed... but Corbin had done the right thing. A few other quizzers were also in the room, and one sitting by him had whispered the answer. Corbin did not say anything, even though he already knew the answer, because technically it would have been cheating.

How is that for a humbling experience? I know adults who wouldn't do that... My dad said he deserved Dairy Queen for something like that. They didn't get first place because of that!

I felt bad for him... but he did the right thing.

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