Last night we had our first thunderstorm. It was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. As the rain tapped on my window and the thunder applauded the lighting, I had to suppress my laughter. I was just filled with this feeling of hope and freedom as I read through my old journal full of hate and a darkness.
And as I was sitting here at my computer looking for pictures for a nearly wordless Creative Writing project one of my friends (who lives in NC) posted on my wall.
I almost started crying. Right here, onto my keyboard. God spoke to her, He had to have. That was exactly what I needed to hear.
Tonight, I am forcing myself to put pen to paper and write this thing. I might cry a few times, but that's alright. The other girls in my small group have been honest. And I need to work on this honesty thing. I need to be transparent.
God, give me the peace and freedom to write this. I am so afraid that other people won't understand. When I hand a certain person the finished copy, help her understand. My story feels ugly and dirty, but it leads to You. You are the One who wrote the story, and You see beauty in it. I will not be ashamed of the things You have done.
Here is a song that I think of and sing when the rain comes down (literal or figurative).
(Please, watch/listen to it. It's only a few minutes. Maybe God will speak to your heart.)
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