Friday, July 23, 2010

Mom, you better use this for the rest of your life....

My mom convinced me to make her a purse. Not just a simple tote, but a purse with pleats and a lining. I made one for4-H, and I guess my mom thought it was so cute that she just had to have one herself. And who can say no to their mom, right? ((jk)) I worked on it a little bit before camp, but after I got back I had to crack down on all of my 4-H projects that I had procrastinated on. Yesterday I decided that I had to finish it. I didn't want it to sit around forever half finished. I worked on the stupid thing for atleast four hours yesterday. I stabbed myself with straight pins atleast six times. I bent the needle on the sewing machine and had to find a new one... and then I had chocolate ice cream to console myself.

This morning I finished sewing on the handles and sewed on the large button that makes it a complete purse. And the thing is finally finished.

So, the tally is...Times blood was drawn: 1Number of songs listened to while working on it: waaay to many to count
Number of times I had to re-wind the bobbin: 4 (I messed it up several times.)
Number of times I nearly took scissors to the entire project: 6

But enough about that!

Look at these pretty things!!
They are made from these pants.

I used this tutorial. I have a pair of Joe Boxer sleep pants that I'll do the same thing with tomorrow (maybe). I just have to get out the cutting board and rotary cutter. ((The pants had rips in them, we already had the elastic, embellishments, and thread, so no money was spent! Three cheers for being thrifty!!))

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