Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What's this I hear!? More snow?
Hehe. I so goofy. But, yes, I look out my patio doors and there is snow. I just swept the patio, too. I'll have to again before Marisol needs to go potty again.

Speaking of my dog... she just sprinted down the stairs and nearly fell on her face... And now Dad is sharing carrots with her. She's so goofy. So is my dad. :) And she's hiding under the tree!

Ugh... exams today. World History and Spanish are now out of the way. So now I have Bible and Geometry tomorrow. Science and el examen de Ingles is Thursday. Would you like to know how weird I am? I chrocheted after my exams... yeah... people were talking behind my back. (brothers are just to tell you who's talking about you)

Would you like to see some of my awesome sentence in espanol.

Hola. Me llamo Kaylyn. Como estas? Yo estoy bien. Y tu?
Me gusta leer y escribir. Te gusta?
Yo estoy pelirroja. Tengo pelo largo y ojos marrones.
Tengo una perra stupida. Se llama Marisol. Ella tiene tres anos. Ella es mi amiga.
Yo quiero Taco Bell y dormir.
Tengo clases de Ingles, Espanol, Biblia, Historia de el mundo, Geometria, Ciencias, Arte. y Educaccion Fisica. Me gusta la clases de Arte y Geometria. No me gusta la clase de historia y educaccion fisica. Y tu?

Hello. My name is Kaylyn. How are you? I am good. And you
I like to read and write. What do you like?
I am a redhead. I have long hair and brown eyes.
I have a stupid dog. Her name is Marisol. She is three years old. She is my friend.
I want Taco Bell and to sleep. (hehe)
I have classes of English, Spanish, Bible, World History, Geometry, Art, Science, and Physical Educaccion. I like Art and Geometry. I do not like History or Physical Education. And you?

Yeah, ya'll know I'm just that good. :) The translation is pretty much exact... So it might sound a little weird.

Oh yeah! I'm blogging on my Wii. It's fun. :)

Adios. Yo necesito to do mi pelo. (Goodbye. I need to do my hair. :D hehe. I'm so funny.)

But first I need to use some awesome symbols!!
∞ § @ ™ © ® º ª ♭♪ * ← → ↑ ↓ # $ ¢ € £ ¥ œ ø Æ Œ λ ζ Ξ Σ ◎ ☆ ○ ◇ □ △

1 comment:

Zack said...

hey kaylyn they weren't talking about you during exams but during morning study hall