Saturday, February 14, 2009

Money earned: $3
Money spent: $0
Nutty Bars eaten: 0
Coffee consumed: none...
Hours listening to music: atleast 4
Tears cried: 2 gallons (watching The Lord of the Rings for a whole day straight can make you laugh at the supidest things so hard that you start crying...)
Hours of studying: 1/2
Books read: 0
Friends made: 1
Lessons learned:
2 (people will cuss at you when you snap them with rubber bands, and after snapping said person with rubber band they will attempt to take the aforementioned rubber band and try to cut you with their nails ((ouch)) )

So on Thursday/Friday I hung out with my friend Abbie, her foster brothers Cory and Derek, and their friends Nick and David.

Thursday was a half day, so we only had our PM schedules and just screwed around in gym (last period), we didn't even change. Then we had the last of the dodgeball tourney. And Abbie and I just took pictures with each other the whole time.
Then we went to her house. To explain some things about her/her house... Her house is a group home, kind of like a foster home, but parents choose to send their kids there. And she has 2 foster sisters and 2 foster brothers (she is also a foster child).
So anyways... When we got there we went downstairs and laid on her bed for about a 1/2 hour just talking. Then we ate lunch and went outside to hang out with her brothers and Nick, Cory's friend. We played a pathetic game of
baseball and Nick and I laid on the school's soccer field for about 10 minutes watching the clouds and threatening Derek because he kept trying to hit us with a soccer ball. Then Abbie's foster sisters left because they were going home for the weekend (which meant we were FREE of the superficial girls in the house).
Cory and I played a game of pretty rough
basketball, fouling each other all over the place, but it was so windy that we could barely make any shots. But it was pretty funny. Then we went inside and Abbie and I played Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 as our tradition states we must, but I stink at that game, so we ditched that after awhile. Then Derek and Cory took over the PS2 and we watched as they played for awhile, then made them switch to playing MX vs. ATV since that had a better playlist and it was more fun to watch.
Abbie and I finally kicked the guys off the
PS2 after supper so we could watch Harry Potter, but then Abbie didn't feel good, so we went to bed at 9. (The guys couldn't believe we went to bed that early when we told them in the morning. they stayed up until 11:30 watching some movie, then got in trouble because Uncle John didn't want them to watch it.) We had to wake up at 7:30 so we could start the trilogy at 8. I had to leave the house at 9 so I could walk over to the school and go to play practice. Cory walked with me over there since he had left something in his locker. Then he made me keep up on my promise about giving him a hug (which I had told him I would on Tuesday or something, but I kept forgetting) and then he walked back home.
Practice proved to be a total waste. I sat there and did nothing for two hours. We didn't even do the scenes where I have lines. I have six lines, and we've only done those 2 scenes once... production is a month away, and I supposed to just telepathically know what I am doing? So then I grabbed some things from my locker and went back to Abbie's.
Just my luck, because of play practice I had missed all but 10 minutes of the rest of
The Fellowship of the Ring. But I have seen that movie numerous times, so it was pretty much okay. But I hadn't really seen the other 2 movies, so I tried to pay attention. But I never seemed to be able to get comfortable. Abbie and I had the smaller couch, and the guys kept calling us bi because we were laying on each other (like girls often do with their friends). We kind of blew it off, saying that we were definitely bi and were making jokes about it... but... yeah... I was ticked off at them for saying that. (they're such perverts)
The Return of the King we ate supper (hot wings and pizza, yeah baby!) and Cory and I were getting on each other's nerves, so we were snapping each other with rubber bands. (actually, I was the only one with the rubber band. ) And every time I would snap him he would cuss at me. (he would mouth it, though, cuz Uncle John was down there and would have been pretty ticked if he had heard Cory say that) But to me that was really funny... just cuz I know Cory... And we got in trouble because we were fighting over the rubber band and Uncle John thought we were getting all "touchy-feely" with each other **awkward**. (We definitely weren't, we were just enjoying causing each other pain ((we're wacko, I know)))
After the marathon was finally over about 7:30 and we were done cleaning up the basement Cory and I were sitting in the living room playing with the dog and with Bethany (Uncle John and Aunt Jess's 1 year old daughter). And we were just kind of talking about random stuff because Abbie was talking to her mom since she hadn't the night before.
Then my dad picked me up at 8:15 and I was falling asleep trying to watch
House after we got home, so I went to bed at 9.... and slept until 9 this morning.
But it was a fun two days... incredibly nice without my family. It made me sad that I couldn't get together with Mar so we could talk... but it was nice to talk to Abbie.

((Sorry if this was all kind of run on... I'm not in the mood to make it grammatically/structurally perfect))

But today was cool because I got an
email from a friend of mine who I haven't seen for 2 months. We're basically best friends... she's awesome. :D



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