((yes, I randomly found this image online.))
Sometimes when I'm driving ((well... not me... someone else is always driving. I'm not yet legal)) down the road and stop at stoplights or stop signs, I glance into the car next to me. I wonder where that person is going. I wonder if they've just received bad news or if they are hurrying to get home to see their family. I wonder if they believe in God. I wonder if they pray. Sometimes sitting there I'll pray for that person, their family.
I also wonder if they have hope. ((note the picture!)) I wonder if that person in the car next to me believe that nothing good will ever come out of life. I wonder if they have hope to take another step or if they'll fall.
Sometimes I pray that they'll have the strength to take the next step, to talk to the person they need to talk to, or place their trust in God, or realize that they've been wrong. I don't care if that person wants the prayer or not... I just pray.
Am I weird? Yeah, probably, but it helps me to realize that there are so many people and so many problems in this world.
Do you have hope? Do you know that things will eventually turn out alright? Or at least semi-okay? Do you know that you have hope in Christ? I hope every person who reads this knows that.
((off topic))
One of my really good friends got baptized today! I'm so proud of him! He's changed so much from January until now. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad thing for him after all. x]